PET Imaging Radiology

PET Imaging Radiology

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Desde el año 2006, PET Imaging Radiology se encuentra ofreciendo los servicios de PET/CT en nuestra facilidad ubicada en el Edificio Dr. Arturo Cadilla Viñas en la ciudad de Bayamón. Nuestro equipo General Electric Discovery IQ PET/CT Scanner, representa una de las más avanzadas tecnologías en la modalidad de radiología molecular, conocida como PET (Positron Emission Tomography). El PET/CT integra simultáneamente el estudio de PET con el estudio de tomografía computadorizada (CT), en este caso una extraordinaria unidad multidetector, cuya combinación nos permite realizar ambos estudios, el PET y el CT Scan con un solo equipo.
PET Imaging Radiology

Información del

Tomografía por emisión de positrones (PET) y tomografía computarizada (CT) son dos herramientas de imágen estándar que permiten a los médicos identificar la ubicación del cáncer dentro del cuerpo antes de hacer las recomendaciones de tratamiento. El PET detecta la señal metabólica de las células cancerosas en el cuerpo en pleno crecimiento y la tomografía computarizada ofrece un cuadro detallado de la anatomía interna que revela la ubicación, tamaño y forma de crecimientos cancerosos anormales. Es un exámen mínimamente invasivo, y en muchos casos, pueden reducir la necesidad de otras pruebas o procedimientos más invasivos.

Muchos estados de enfermedad manifiestan cambios metabólicos antes de que los cambios anatómicos puedan ser detectados y por eso el PET/CT es importante en la evaluación y el manejo de los pacientes.
PET Imaging Radiology

Usos comunes del

Los usos comunes del procedimiento PET/CT son:

  • Detectar cancer.

  • Determinar si un cáncer se ha diseminado en el cuerpo.

  • Monitorear estadío y efectividad de un plan de tratamiento.

  • Determinar si un cáncer ha regresado después de tratamiento. 

  • También se utiliza para evaluar anormalidades del cerebro, tales como: tumores, trastornos de la memoria, convulsiones y otros trastornos del sistema nervioso central.

PET Imaging Radiology

Descripción de la prueba

Para obtener las imágenes del PET/CT se utiliza el radiofármaco 18 FDG (fluorodeoxiglucosa) el cual es administrado por vía intravenosa. En algunos casos, se administra también un medio de contraste oral.

Después de la inyección intravenosa del radiofármaco, el paciente permanecerá en reposo por 60 minutos evitando estímulos auditivos o visuales. De este modo, el radiofármaco se irá distribuyendo en el organismo durante este tiempo. Una vez transcurrido dicho periodo, las imágenes de CT y PET Scan se obtendrán en un tiempo aproximado de 25 minutos.

Luego, se obtienen las imágenes fusionadas de posición idénticas del PET y del CT las cuales permiten localizar áreas de metabolismo anormal de FDG.

Important Información - Asking the important questions

How our technology is different from other centers?

Our PET scanner is the General Electric Discovery IQ 4 PET/CT scanner. This is one of the most advanced PET/CT scanners ever produced. We recognize that there are other facilities that you may be considering for your PET scan. Patients should always do some research and ask a few questions before choosing were to have their scan.

How long will my PET Scan take?

In Puerto Rico, the average PET scan time is between 30 and 45 minutes. Our average PET/CT scan time is only 20 minutes. That’s 50% faster than any other PET scanner in the area.

lf you have back pain or trouble lying in a scanner for prolonged periods of time, this is an important factor to consider. On average, our patients spend less than 1.5 hours total when compared to other institutions. This includes paperwork, some preparation and the PET scan itself.

How much radiation will l receive for my PET scan?

AII PET scans require some amount of radioactivity in order to work. However, some PET scanners need more than others in order to produce PET scan images. The average radiation dose for other PET scanners in our area is between 13 and 20 “mCi”. ( the unit for measuring radiation dose ) Our advanced scanner allows us to use less than 1 O mCi, which is in many cases more than 70 o/o less.

What can I eat or drink?

lt is very important that you do not have any food or drink ( except water) for 4 hours prior to your appointment , as this may severely degrade the PET images. lf possible, try to avoid caffeine or strenuous exercise for 24 hours as well. Otherwise, please take your normal medications as prescribed, but only with water.

What should I bring?

Any prior radiology tests, paperwork and other medical history can be of great help to our Radiologists when reading your PET scan . Our doctors will review this information and incorporate it into your PET scan report. These items will usually be returned to you before you leave our facility. Try to leave any metallic accessories at home (such as jewelry), as they can interfere with PET images

What should I expect?

Our PET scanner is the fastest and most accurate in the region, so expect to rest comfortably under warm blankets for only about 20 minutes while the PET scanner quietly does its work. Expect to spend about 2.5 hours total in our Center, which includes completing some paperwork, resting in a comfy recliner after a small injection and then the PET scan itself.

What is the age of your current PET scanner?

At PET lmaging Radiology Corp. of Puerto Rico, we are constantly upgrading our equipment and technology in order to deliver the latest medical technology advances to our patients as soon as they are available. We spend more than any of our competitors to constantly deliver the latest and most up to date technological advances to our patients. You get all the benefits of the newest and state of the art technology at absolutely no additional cost to you.

A PET scan is one of the most powerful and effective imaging procedures to revolutionize modern medicine. As advanced as PET technology has become , there are a few things you can do to help make sure you get the most out of your PET scan. Please take a moment to review the guidelines below, and as always call us with any questions or concerns. We look forward to seeing you. lf you are diabetic or have any special needs, please contact our office for assistance.

What happens next?

Once your PET scan is complete, you can eat. You will immediately received a small snack to enjoy. Many patients request a copy of their PET scan on CD, and we are happy to quickly provide this for you. Once you leave our facility, you may resume your normal daily activities.